Thursday, December 15 at 10:30 PM ET: Your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 30 minutes, during which time your site may be unavailable.
- Adding fields to Subcontractor report: The Subcontractor List report now contains these additional fields: Description, Purchasing Tax, Profit Margin, Sales Taxable, Hide on Proposal, Cost Code, Overhead %, Is Fixed Price, General Condition. They can be selected from the ‘Show’ parameter when running the report.
- Employee Hours Report: Addressed an issue with the Employee Hours report margins that was causing to it to not be printed correctly.
- Unscheduling Work Orders when on a Timesheet: We have addressed an issue where in some instances a Work Order would not be displayed correctly on the Maintenance Job Profitability Report if it was unscheduled while on a Timesheet.
- Refresh Kits button: When the labor type of a Kit’s labor rate is updated, this will be reflected in the associated Services when the ‘Refresh Kits’ button is used.
- Labor Type clock in summary: We have addressed an issue where the Labor Type Clock Ins were not visible when accessing the Clock Ins from the main Timesheet page.
- Invoice Subtotals: We have fixed an issue where in some instances, invoices created for Maintenance Jobs with Jobsites would have an incorrect total.
A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:
- Arlin H – A Plus Landscaping
- Bill B – Livewell Outdoors
- Dave K – Whatcom Landscapes
- Graham H – Platt Hill Nursery
- Heidi L – Green Spaces Landscaping LLC
- JoLynn M – Designer Concepts Landscape Architecture, Inc.