Tuesday, October 4 at 10:30 PM ET: your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 30 minutes, during which time your site may be unavailable.
- Costbook Date stamp: We have a new feature to track the last time the Cost has been updated for an item in the Costbook. This will be visible in the Costbook list pages via a new column called ‘Cost Last Updated’, and it will also be available when adding items to an Estimate, Work Order or Change Order. Additionally, this will be visible in the Costbook List Reports (Equipment, Materials, Plants, Subcontractors). When viewing in the Costbook list pages, hovering over the date will show the user did the update. Initially, the date will be last time the item was updated overall but going forward will only show when the Cost has been updated.
- Work order conversion to T&M: It is now possible to convert a Work Order to T&M while it is on a Timesheet.
- Delete Common Actions: We have added the ‘Delete’ Common Action to all remaining Costbook item list pages.
- Add a hover over message for New Service button: We have added a button tooltip message to the ‘New Service’ and ‘New Service Category’ buttons when they are disabled to indicate why they cannot be clicked.
- New Manage360 Help Button: For new users, a separate login to access training material is no longer required, information is easier to find, and connecting with an Onboarding Specialist is just a click away. If you’ve been using Manage360 for a while, the Help Button will allow you to search or browse the new Manage360 Knowledge Base. Click the Contact Us button to make reaching out for answers easier than ever.
- New Manage360 Knowledge Base: Easier to navigate and search for answers, the updated knowledge base is dedicated to Manage360! Click here to check it out: https://manage360kb.dynascape.com. Can’t find what you are looking for? Click the Contact Us links and we’ll be happy to help.
- Construction estimates with no labor: It is now possible to win Construction estimates with no labor.
- Billing Type changes when Invoices have been created: The Billing Type on Construction Jobs cannot be changed if there are existing invoices for that Job. If a change needs to be made, then the invoices should be deleted.
- Tax rounding issues: We have made additional fixes to address tax rounding issues.
- File attachment badge: The Timesheet file count badge no longer shows deleted files.
- Accounting connector error: We have addressed an issue that caused an error in the Accounting connector when mapping taxes.
- Job Cost reports duplicate data: We have fixed an issue causing estimated data to be duplicated in the Job cost detail reports in certain situations.
- Percentage completed invoices: Fixed an error occurring when a user billed a Work Area by percentage completed and the Work Area’s name was near the max length (100 characters).
- QBO Accounting connector issue: Corrected an issue when attempting to map divisions in the accounting connector for QuickBooks Online when QBO has multiple sub services.
- Opportunity Probability not correct when Closed: We have addressed an issue where the probability was not correct when Closing an Opportunity from the Opportunity Detail page.
A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:
- Ashley T – Lakeshore Landscaping
- Dana A – Landscape4u
- Haidi H – Green Ventures
- Jim N – Artisan Outdoor
- Kevin T – Nature One Inc
- Mike H – Hale Landscapes
- Rachel P – Stuber Landscape Design
- Sal B – Gasper
- Shannon M – Everetts Landscape