Monday, February 13 at 10:30 PM ET: Your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 90 minutes, during which time your site may be unavailable.
- New Manage360 Authentication: Manage360 is preparing to transition to a new authentication service (Auth0) to provide our users with improved security and user account management. Upon release, an email address will be required to log in to Manage360 instead of the username. This change will affect users of the Manage360 website, as well as users of the mobile app, and Design users connected to a Manage360 database. If a valid email address has been entered on the employee profile (Settings > Employees) prior to the update, then a new account will automatically be created (using that email address). More information about migrating users that did not have email addresses entered can be found here: Migration Guide.
- Job Log Manual Data Entry: We have added new options to Manage360 to allow the locking down of Construction Job Actual editing when the job is being tracked on a timesheet, as well as options to determine which items are to be tracked on the Timesheet and which will be manually entered on the Job Actuals tab. This can help prevent data loss on Timesheet approval when manual adjustments were made to the Job Actuals. The settings for this will be at the Division level and can also be adjusted on individual Jobs if necessary. By default, the process will remain the same as it currently is (no locked items, all items tracked on Timesheets). More information about this new feature can be found here: Manual Data Entry.
- DMX import – Kits: We have addressed an issue that could occur when a Kit was not found during a DMX import.
- Accounting Connector
- Sync issue with Credit Memos: Fixed an issue preventing the Accounting Connector from completing its sync when syncing with a detailed credit memo in QuickBooks Desktop.
- Address Inconsistencies: We have added additional matching conditions when matching customers to ensure addresses are mapped more consistently.
- Work Orders with Labor Type Clock Ins: We have fixed an issue where the job actuals of items on Work Orders that used Labor Type clock ins on timesheets did not receive the updated totals of the clock in times under certain circumstances.
- Maintenance estimate pricing precision: Fixed an issue that allowed differences in the total amount on a Maintenance Estimate and the Proposal where items had small unit prices and quantities.
- Division Page: Fixed an issue preventing the division page from saving due to a missing element on the page.
- Construction Estimates Payments: Addressed on issue to prevent the browser from crashing or timing out on Construction Estimates if there are not enough funds in un-fixed payments to cover the amount of a price adjustment.
A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:
- Bill B- Livewell Outdoors
- Brian J – Walnut Ridge Landscape & Design
- Carter R – Creative Landscapes Inc.
- Christian B – Perfect Landscapes
- David D – LandCrafters Landscaping
- Dreama L – CLC Inc.
- Jane A – Borsello Landscaping
- Keith D – Bella Terra Landscapes & Garden Center
- Leslie A – Greenskeeper
- Meghan V – Stout Creek landscapes
- Sherry E – Passiglia