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Thursday, June 8 at 10:30 PM ET: Your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 30 minutes, during which your site may be unavailable.


  • Work Area sort order: When adding items to an Estimate, the Work Area selection is sorted the match the order of the Work Areas on the Estimate. The last used Work Area will still be highlighted as default.
  • Estimate Analysis Report: We have some additional details to the Estimate Analysis report.
    • Show Item Type Costs: A new section will be shown which will display the total cost of each Item Type as well a percentage for each of the total costs. All Item Types will be shown even if there are no costs.
    • Labor Price column: We have added a new column in the Work Area section so that the Labor price of each Work Area can be seen.
  • Timesheet Job Log Report: On the Timesheet Job Log reports, we’ve added a new field to show the “Timesheets Last Updated”. This is the date of the last approved timesheet for the job. This will help to indicate to the reader of the report how recent the data they are seeing is.


  • Clocked in times not displaying correctly: Fixed a display issue where the duration on the timesheet was not showing under the correct employee when there were many employees on the Timesheet.
  • Start/End time does not update: The job log start and end times will now be adjusted correctly when a job is newly added to a timesheet and a clock-in is added to the job log for a labor item. Deleting the last clock-in for a labor item on the construction job log will now show the correct duration of 0.
  • Advanced search on locked timesheets: We have addressed an issue so that the advanced search is now available for locked timesheets.
  • Restore the Account Creation Journal entry: We have fixed an issue preventing the journal entry from being generated when creating a new account.
  • Changing employees on a Timesheet: We have fixed an issue where an existing employee on a timesheet was being removed if the timesheet employees were changed and the existing employee was inactive.

A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:

  • Ainsley B, Haidi H – Green Ventures Landscape Care
  • Harry G – Gelderman Landscaping Ltd.
  • John W, Sherry E – Passiglia’s Nursery and Garden Center
  • JP B – Quiet Nature
  • Lana M – Bella Terra Landscapes
  • Mark S – DeSignia Inc.
  • Scott C – ABC Home & Commercial Services
  • Steven J – Envisioning Green