Wednesday, June 12 at 10:30 PM ET: Your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 30 minutes, during which your site may be unavailable.
- Reference Pages: We have rolled out a new user interface for a few more Reference pages in the Settings area. We would love feedback – send it to
- Company Information
- Accounting Settings / Accounting Sync Log
- Task Sets

- New view on Billing tab of the construction job: We have added an “All Contracts” option to the construction job billing tab. This view will show all the items that can be billed on a single page – from the original contract to any approved Change Orders. Each item can still be viewed individually by selecting it in the dropdown. This will greatly improve the process of viewing the status of all billable items on the job. A new configuration option under Settings -> Configuration-> Billing called “Default Construction Billing View” can be used to set the default value. The current default value will still be “Current Contract”.
- Work Order Jobsite location: It is now possible to adjust the Jobsite location on a Work Order that has already been added to a Timesheet.
- Timesheet optimize route: When a Timesheet with no clock ins is optimized, there is now an option to use the division start time, instead of the current default (which is to use the earliest time set on the timesheet).
- Link to Knowledge Base: The link to the Manage360 Knowledge base has been added to the main menu (
- Maintenance job cost detail report: We have adjusted the Maintenance Job Cost Detail report to be more responsive.
- Creating estimate proposal template: We have fixed an issue that was causing the newly created template to not appear immediately when saved.
- Incorrect URLs: We have made fixes so that any 404 (page not found) errors are redirected to an improved error page.
- Estimate Proposal Footer & Header: We have addressed an issue when selecting the headers and footers on the Proposal template so the latest version of the header or footer is loaded.
- Invoices with a negative line item: We have addressed issues when editing an invoice that contained a negative line item. This will alleviate the issues noticed when editing items and the cursor is moved to the end of the input. Negative totals will show properly on manually created invoices before they have been saved. Additionally, we have fixed an issue where it was not possible to lose focus on the last input selected. The numeric inputs will also select the text when you click on them.
- Material list report: We have improved the saving process when modifying a report template and unselecting required options – an alert is now shown, and the save will be prevented.
- Jobs page filter issues: We have addressed an issue that was causing the Job list page to time out when using certain filters.
- Accounting Connector sync: We have addressed an issue when using QuickBooks online so that the Projects (in QBO) are ignored when syncing as there is no current functionality from the QuickBooks API to provide this functionality.
- Employee list page: Fixed issues on the Employee pages where it was impossible to activate a user when there was exactly 1 subscription user spot left. We have also addressed issues that could prevent saving and user creation in certain circumstances.
- Costbook Plant List: We have made some enhancements to improve the loading time of the shopping cart on Estimates and the Plant List in the Costbook.
- State/Province breadcrumb labels: Depending on the site configuration, the breadcrumbs on the States/Provinces settings page will use the appropriate State or Province label.
- System Code Settings: The “Is System Code” column will now automatically be hidden if no system codes are being shown. The editing of the name and codes of system codes has now been disabled
- File Attachments date uploaded: We have made a small change to the layout of the file attachments so that the date uploaded now appears on the 2nd line (below the who updated field).
A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:
- Anna B – Kirby’s Landscaping
- Anne M – Sargent’s Nursery
- Ben H – James Valley Landscape Solutions
- David K – Whatcom Landscapes
- David M – A&K Landscaping
- Harry G – Gelderman Landscape Services
- Jill H – Colao & Peter
- Lowell H – Harder and Sons
- Steven J – Envisioning Green