Notice of Major Change to DynaSCAPEDS Folder
In this release, due to ongoing issues associated with Microsoft OneDrive, we have moved the DynaSCAPEDS folder from the Documents folder to the AppData folder. This was done to ensure that errors related to OneDrive do not occur if your Documents folder is stored on the cloud.
When you first open this new version of Design, your DynaSCAPEDS folder will automatically be copied over to its new location in the AppData folder. Your original DynaSCAPEDS folder will not be deleted, however, any changes that you make to it will not take effect in Design, and going forward, you must edit the folder under AppData. You may delete the original DynaSCAPEDS folder if you do not wish to keep it as a duplicate.
New Figures
Several new figures are included in this release:
- Added 4 new figures to GARDEN ACCS-6.
- Added a new library GARDEN PLANTS-6 containing 6 new figures.
Other Fixes and Enhancements
- Browsing for an image to select in the Plant Image Search, Plant List Editor, and Plant Picture Catalogue now reflect support for JPEG, TIFF, and PNG files.
- Fixed an issue reloading the last used hatch when closing and reopening the hatch tool.
- Improved AutoCAD import to successfully handle .DXF files containing invalid VISUALSTYLE data.
- Polylines and splines imported from AutoCAD with more than 256 vertices will be split into sections containing 256 vertices each. This avoids crashes when adding an angle dimension near a polyline with more than 256 vertices.
- Beth E – Designs by the Yard
- Becci R – All by Design
- Bert M – Jonathon Robert Landscape + Design
- Jacob T – Martin John Company
- Mark S – DeSignia Landscape