Designing an outdoor space is a challenging project for the average person. That’s why they hire landscapers to help them curate a space that is aesthetically pleasing, but also practical and can be enjoyed for years to come.
We outline some landscaping musts that every landscaper should brush up on to do their best work. Coupled with landscape design software, you can optimize your work.
1) Focus on the Experience
A design must across all industries is to focus on the experience first. Features are great but, ultimately, people are looking for a full experience. This is as true in landscaping as it is anywhere else. For example, many homeowners look for landscape designs that place more emphasis on the entrance. The first few moments of seeing and walking into the garden should be among the best. By making the this a little more dramatic and accentuated, landscape designers can deepen that sense of escape and relaxation.
2) The Right Furniture is a Must
People want to spend time in their gardens. Along with the actual greenery, designers should also consider the right furniture for the space. Furniture is a great way to improve the timelessness of a garden. No matter what’s in style, being able to sit and relax comfortably will always be enjoyable. Skip the low-quality, low-cost pieces and pick a few high-quality tables and chairs that are easy to maintain and weather appropriate. If the homeowners can relax comfortably, they will get a lot more from their outdoor spaces.
3) Easy Maintenance
There is often a big difference between the outdoor space you plan and the reality of that space a year later. This isn’t a failed implementation but rather a design that doesn’t account for long-term use. The most beautiful designs in the world won’t work if the area is neglected. To account for this, designers should choose plants and layouts that make maintenance easy. Grouping perennials by watering requirements is a great way to achieve this. Another good option is to plan auto-watering solutions into the design.
4) Carefully Planned Relaxation Areas
Many homeowners are looking for well thought out relaxation areas. These little gems in the home should provide an experience and offer an escape. It’s becoming more popular with homeowners to have a hidden area, shielded from plain sight – especially if they live in a busy neighbourhood or have close neighbours. They want a more secluded yard, which can be achieved by sectioning off plants to form a fence or even a pergola or living wall.
5) Indoor/Outdoor Integration
Designing interior spaces that incorporate part of the outdoor environment is a popular trend in architecture. It can easily be considered by landscape designers as well. For example, adding houseplants that connect with the outside plant choices can make the spaces feel more connected. As a landscaper, you can try and strike a balance between shelter and exposure.
Brushing up on the above must-haves can help to make your landscape designs more satisfying for homeowners. You can incorporate these things into a design that your customers will love for years to come.