DS|Design v6.0 introduces new software improvements, a product validation process and a move to monthly subscription renewals.
DynaScape is pleased to announce that we’re ready to release DS|Design version 6.0, our latest upgrade that brings many improvements to the program, adds a new software license validation process, and moves your future subscription renewals to a monthly schedule. Here are some details about these changes:
New Design Features
The biggest improvements in DS|Design v6.0 are related to enhanced capabilities in a Windows 7 environment, where performance is now much better when working with medium to large projects. You’ll need v6.0 to have your DynaScape products run effectively on Windows 7. In additon, you’ll notice a smoother zoom and pan, better movement, and copy and paste functionality. For more information on these and other v6.0 changes, please visit this page.
Product Validation
When you update to DS|Design v6.0, you will notice that the software now has a built-in product validation feature. To explain how this works, here are some details in a Q&A format:
What is a product validation process?
It’s similar to the license validation procedures that are found on most commercially available software products these days, and its purpose is simply to ensure that as the user of the program, both your DynaScape purchase and your subscription are valid and up-to-date.
Will it affect how I use the software?
We’ve instituted this change in a way that we hope will be completely unobtrusive to your use and enjoyment of your software. The first time you start DS|Design after installing the update to v6.0, validation will begin automatically. It checks your license rights, and also checks for an active DynaScape subscription.
What happens if my subscription/license is not valid or up to date?
The software will only run if you are licensed to use it, and if your subscription is active. If there’s a problem with either, you will be notified, and we will be happy to help you put your license and subscription status back in order, and in so doing, to put your use of the software back on track.
Is this a new policy?
This new product validation functionality doesn’t change our existing policies. It simply automates the process of making sure that everyone adheres to the terms of our software license agreement, which requires each user of DynaScape to have a current subscription.
If it’s not new, then what’s different?
What has changed, as of version 6.0, is that those who don’t have a license and a subscription will no longer be able to run the software without them. Product validation is now an automatic part of the program.
Why is a subscription approach important?
Long-time DynaScape users will remember that when we first introduced them, subscriptions were recommended and several years ago they became required. As our software has evolved, we’ve incorporated an increasing number of new features, web components and tie-ins with 3rd party companies, which require ongoing monthly subscriptions and hosting fees, all of which require ongoing development and updating. We see the subscription model as the key to keeping both our software and our customers current and competitive. It’s the win-win arrangement that best ensures the continued health of your software toolkit, and our ability to keep it at the cutting edge of technology.
What does my subscription give me?
An ongoing subscription to DynaScape gives you
- continued use of the software;
- all software updates, as soon as they’re released;
- access to our responsive customer support; and
- access to online services and content like the plant database and 3D models.
More information about DynaScape subscriptions is available online, here.
The move to monthly subscription renewals
Finally, v6.0 introduces a move from annual to monthly renewals of your DynaScape subscriptions. This change will take effect for you whenever your current subscription period ends. At that time, your subscription schedule will change to renew each month going forward, instead of once a year. We trust that this will help you by spreading your costs out over the whole year, and eliminate the need for you to plan for a larger single annual fee payment.
If you have any questions or feedback, either about product validation or about your subscription, please don’t hesitate to reach us anytime. Email us at sales@dynascape.com, or call us at 1-800-710-1900. We hope that all of these changes will add significant convenience and improvements to your experience with your DynaScape software. We look forward to hearing your from you!
The DynaScape Team