Monday, July 19 at 10:30 PM ET: your Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version. We expect this may take up to 30 minutes, during which time your site may be unavailable.
- LandscapeHub Launch: We have launched a deeper integration with LandscapeHub. There is a new setting that can be enabled in the Settings – Configuration area that can now be enabled. If it is set to ‘Integration’ then the LandscapeHub tab will be made available in Construction Jobs. Clicking on the ‘Send to LandscapeHub’ button on that tab will send all the Plant information to LandscapeHub for potential ordering (at this time only Plants are being sent – Materials will be added when they are available). This will open a new page on LandscapeHub directly where the Plant material can be ordered from specific suppliers. At this time this will only be available in the USA.
Please see for additional information.
- Kit lead item sorting option: A new configuration setting called “Sort Lead Items Alphabetically” has been added to the Estimates section of the Configuration Settings. This will determine how Manage360 shows the Kit lead items in the dropdown when either adding or editing a Kit (that contains lead items). If it is set to ‘Yes’, the dropdown will display the lead items in alphabetical order (which is the current behavior), while if it is set to ‘No’ the order of the lead items in the dropdown will be based on the order of the lead items from the Kit itself.
The setting will be set to ‘Yes’ by default automatically which will maintain the current process.
- Payment Schedule on Construction Estimates: On Construction Estimates the Payment Options tab has been updated to add additional functionality. We have now added a fixed payment option for Milestone Billing that will allow that total amount to be locked when recalculating the payments as well as a ‘Recalculate’ button that can be used – it will distribute the remaining amounts equally if the fixed option is not used.
- Timesheets – Optimize Creation: Optimized the process that creates new timesheets so that new Timesheets are created more quickly.
- Job – Percentage of Completion Billing: Fixed an issue creating invoices when using percentage of completion for Work Areas in certain situations.
- QBO US Advanced version and Projects: Addressed some issues when syncing with QBO US Advanced version with the Projects enabled:
- Prevent Jobs from showing up as new customers in QBO
- Added a friendly error message when the invoice number has been duplicated in QBO and Custom transaction numbers are turned on (QBO)
- Added the ability to edit the invoice number when it has the duplicate document number error
- Added an option in the Settings – Accounting Settings to Match to Existing Invoice which when enabled will try to match a new Manage360 invoice to an existing invoice in QB based on Customer, invoice number, and invoice date.
- Sales Performance Summary Report: Addressed an issue on the Sales Performance Summary report to prevent adding archived estimates to the Lost column.
- Issue Generating Thumbnails for uploaded files: Added a re-processing button for files and improved error handling when the thumbnail was not correctly created.
- Work Order inline editing issues: Resolved an issue with newly created Work Orders where after saving a quantity change was not properly reflected in the work order total.
- Account Payment Terms Dropdown: When a selected Payment Term is deactivated from the Settings area (Settings – Payment Terms), it will still appear in its respective dropdown with “(Inactive)” added to it if it is the selected option.
- Editing Kits with lead items after they have been added to an estimate:
- Fixed an issue preventing Lead Items from loading and being edited
- Fixed an issue preventing Work Orders and Route Occurrences from being scheduled
- Fixed the crew filtering for Job Cost Detail, Job Profitability, Labor Job Cost reports
- View Linked Kits – Items not showing up: Addressed an issue where the ‘View Linked Kits’ action was not displaying the Kits correctly in the Costbook.
- Plant/Material Imports – Optimize for Many Rows: The Plant/Material imports now have additional validation that limit the import to 2000 rows. This was done to improve the speed of the import.
- CSV Export – Accommodate multiple lines in descriptions: Addressed an issue when creating CSV exports for items that have multi-lined descriptions.
A special thank you to the following for their recommendations which helped to shape this release:
- Steven J, Michael W – Envisioning Green
- Andy J – James Valley
- David K – WhatCom Landscapes
- Michael B – Accent Landscapes
- David V – Sure Cut Landscapes
- Jarrod L – Well Rooted Gardens